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Get to know Kristen up close and personal as she guides you through your personal transformation

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Wether you prefer to read a written blog or watch a video blog, Soul Therapy offers something for you. Simply click on the blog title of your choice and you will be directed to both. If there is any topic you would like to hear more about please Contact Me and tell me about it!

Here, I will give you 10 steps to not only recogize your triggers, but learn how to use them to heal old belief systems that are no longer serving you. All you need is something to write with and something to write on! Let’s go!

What Can I Do About
Any of This

With everything going on today both in the news and in our lives it is important for the people of the world to  empower themselves to find their own personal power to affect change. What can you do to create positive change right now?

The time of awakening is upon us now. This time can bring about feelings of fear and confusion within you. Learn ways to ease the symptoms of your awakening while also contributing to the solution at large.

Our outter world is a reflection of our inner beliefs and suppressed emotions. We can choose to go within and work on that which we repress within ourselves. Once this integration is complete we will see the new reflection in the reality around us.

After years of research into the accounts of Near-Death Experiencers across the globe join me as I explain the event in great detail and provide you with answers to the age old question: What really happens when we die?

It’s not easy being someone who feels the energy of everything around them, especially of other people. But, if we can learn to turn our sensitivity into an opportunity to help others, we just may have found our life’s purpose!

Law of Attraction works whether you know it’s working or not. When not actively using it, events in your life seem as if they are random or happening to you. Learn how you can use the Law of Attraction to manifest anything you want in your life now!

Patterns of negative thinking can be the difference between manifesting your dreams and never getting what you want out of life. Find out how your negative thought patterns were created and how to change them today!

Coming Soon

Blog and video currently in production

Coming Soon

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