Creating Your Gateway
Into the Shadow

Feeling confused? Overwhelmed?… Like you may just burst or explode from information overload or confusion? Having trouble staying focused or emotionally contained while recent events unfold? Has it been difficult to move through your everyday rountine of life they way that you always have been able? Join me as I show you how to create a gateway to help you integrate with your shadow, heal from within, and do your part to heal the collective.


Integration by way of Individuation was a term used by the 20th century psychoanalyst, Carl Jung. Jung’s idea was that Individuation was a process of transformation where the unconscious is brought into consciousness to be assimilated into the whole personality and that it is a completely natural process necessary for the Integration of the psyche (Jung, C.G. (1962). Symbols of Transformation: An Analysis of the Prelude to a Case of Schizophrenia (vol. 2). New York: Harper & Brothers).

“My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious and flooded me like an enigmatic stream and threatened to break me. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Everything later was merely the outer classification, the scientific elaboration, and the integration into life. But the numinous beginning, which contained everything was then.” ~Carl Jung

I don’t think anyone would agrue that we are experiencing some unique and overwhelming times. Between the fires in Austrailia and the aftermath of race riots throughout the United States our planet has had its fair share of collective trauma in the past 12 months. This is, of course without mentioning everything in between (questionable viruses, questionable fires, questionable murders, questionable riots). It is imerative though that as these things begin to unfold we recognize their signifigance. 

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed to be true throughout 2020 it’s that everyone sees things from a different perspecive; my truth may not be your truth; and opinions can be swayed from day to day or even moment to moment. That is why it is so important that we find a common ground, something that we all believe to be true no matter what race, religion, gender, sexual identity, geographic location, political preference, or by any other means that can divide us and pin us against one another. 

It sounds cliche but, we are all human. That is what is true no matter who you are or what else you believe to be true. And, unless we agree in private or in public to look at things from a “bigger picture” point of view then we will continue to disagree, argue, and fight about the smaller issues. I don’t know about you, but I’m about done with that! I am here, just as you are, to look for answers  and solutions to issues that have gotten so overlooked that they are screaming for our attention to them.

We owe it to ourselves and our future generations to do something different, the old no longer works and we are being forced to think outside the box.  It is up to us, we are the warriors, we are the brave ones tasked with saying, “NO MORE!”

You may be in agreement and feel powerless. “I know I want the change, but how do I create it? How can I make a difference, I’m just one little person in this big world?” This is where I encourage you to, again, look at the bigger picture. Imagine that you are disease free, going about your every day life in seemingly good health. Unbeknownst to you, one of your cells becomes cancerous. How does that cancer spread? Well, it affects the behavior of another cell which then becomes cancerous, and that one affects another, and so on.

We can find our answers in the aspects of life that are not affected by opinions or fear but by nature, energy, and organic instict. If we follow this model then I propose we look at ourselves as cells of the planet (as our planet as cells of the galaxy, and galaxies as cells of the universe). We are a small, functional, living entity of our environment and thus affect our environment profoundly. Even just one of us has the ability to change from within and create behavior that will affect another, and before you know it our society has changed. But, if we all think we’re not relevent, that what we do alone will not make a difference, then we will never change the way things are. It is time!

It is time. When you are feeling as if you are not being heard, when you are confused and feeling manipulated by the things you see outside of you, when you feel as if someone is trying to overpower you and not allow you your truth. When you feel resentful and enraged by someone elses actions or inactions. It is important to remember that NO ONE has any power over your thoughts and your perception. The only power they have is that which you give unto them. For this is referred to and exemplified by the Law of Attraction. A universal/divine law that states, “That which is like unto itself is drawn.”

Truly understanding this universal/divine law means that you understand that whatever you believe is true you will attract into your life and, therefore, experience. None of us are victims for we are the very creators of our own reality. This is a very hard concept at first as we have been raised to believe we are victims to a society that tells us we are not good enough. As women our hair isn’t pretty enough, our skin not the right texture or color, our bodies not curvey or thin enough, our personalities not soft enough. As men our masculinity is not masculine enough, we don’t make enough money, we are not tough enough, we are too sensitive, etc. As humans we are not worthy to be free of judgement, ridicule, and gossip. 

We must be brave enough now to locate those limited beliefs that were designed to keep us ignorant to our innate divine power. Locating limiting beliefs is incredibly challenging at first and increasingly painful in the middle which astoundingly rewarding in the end. It is incredibly imperative that you use the triggers, the uncomfortable feelings, the oppressive sensations as a gateway into your past trauma. 

The very things that we have been avoiding within ourselves, the feelings of worthlessness, resentment, irrelevancy, fear of expression, and on and on and on are finally getting to a point that they can not be stuffed down any longer. They MUST BE HEARD! They must be acknowleged. If we continue to ignore or suppress they will manifest in the collective as viruses, murders, riots, and more to come. The longer we continue to deny their existence within ourselves the louder they will get.

Use your gateways to find where in your life you have treated yourselves or others with resentment, manipulation, violation. Where have you not heard someone of forced them to be silent? Where have you excluded someone or yourself and made someone or yourself feel irrelevant? When you find these golden opportunities, explore them deeply. This will bring up A LOT of pain if you allow it to. This pain MUST be allowed to surface otherwise you, once again, become your own oppressor. While acknowleging and feeling and allowing you are removing yourself as the victim and will realize the incredible power you have. While allowing your emotional body to express itself you are creating incredible healing not only for your soul but for the entire human race. This is called Integration!