The Near-Death Experience

What really happens when we die?

What is a Near-Death Experience exactly? Does it mean that you have died and come back to life? Is it really that cut and dry, or do you have to have gone to “heaven”, spoken to “God”, or even flatlined at all?

In 2011 my mother was diagnosed with Accute Promylitic Leukemia and died in the hospital within three weeks of that diagnosis. The incredible pain and loss I felt was nothing compared to the immense confusion that accompanied feeling, hearing, and seeing her in the following months and years to come. These experiences sent me on a unquenchable search for more information. “Where is she, why do I still sense her, and what really happens when we die”?


Are all near-death experiences the same?

Most people, when asked, would say that a Near-Death Experience is when a person dies, or flatlines, meaning their heart has stopped beating. The deceased individual goes to “heaven” or “the other side”, and then is revived or somehow “comes back to life”. But, through my own experiences, research, and conversations with many Near-Death Experiencers I can tell you that is not, by any means, the limit to this phenomenon. 

A Near-Death Experience can range anywhere from having an episode of profound change as the result of someones death such as various psychic experiences, to losing consciousness and experiencing a connection with another realm or dimension, to flatlining and being clinically dead for a period of time and interacting with either another place, deceased loved ones, or both, and everything in between! If you’ve ever had any of these experiences you know, first hand, how profound and life changing they are. 


Throughout the years of my research I have found an aspect of the NDE that is not covered much. It is that concerning the topic of Exit Points. Exit Points are said to be predetermined points in your life that you have arranged for potential opportunities to cross over. First, though, one would need to understand and fully acknowledge the notion of Soul Contracts. This is the idea that prior to this incarnation, your higher self dictated, worked out, or pieced together a set of pre-determined events, relationships, challenges, etc. in order to learn specific lessons for the souls’ overall expansion. 

For many reasons a soul may choose to arrange several points of exit from the current incarnation. One reason, for example, might be that the life lesson and supporting events may be understood to create a great deal of pain. As we have free will we may decide that our life is too painful or our mission too ambitious and opt to take one of our opportunities to exit as a chance to go back “home”, reassess, and return to try again with less challenging or painful obstacles in our way. Think of the Exit Point as a fail safe we put in place “just in case” our plan is more challenging than we originally expected. 

Exit Points aren’t exactly pre-determined events such as a car accident or suicide. They are more of a time and space where our frequency vibration resonates with the consciousness or soul’s exiting or shifting dimensionally, requiring the death of the physical body – in most cases. This, then, means that the method of “departure” can be absolutely anything at all without judgement outside of the three dimensional awareness.

Variations of the classic NDE

Most popular accounts of the classic Near-Death Experience depict a variation of exit points followed by a sudden transformation in consciousness and the subsequent “tunnel of light” eminating an incredible feeling of unconditional love that draws the experiencer in with almost no hesitation or thought of what was just left behind. My research and experience has shown me that, although this is the most popularized sequence of events, it is not the most common. You may be surprised to hear that, in reality, most Near-Death Experiences are just as different as each human being on this planet. Sometimes they offer similar themes and may even have aspects that resemble aspects of anothers’ experience but the differences are so personal and incredibly profound.

Let us take a moment to consider the various accounts of “the tunnel” for example. In each Near-Death Experiencers account of their own personal experience this aspect was completely different. While one person recalls walking through a tunnel made of a stone-like material comared to that of a subway tunnel on Earth, another describes a pin-point of light in the distance. When the subject is attracted magnetically toward the light it continues to get larger and larger until in completely envelopes the individual in an all encompassing feeling of peace and love. Yet and still another recounts the experience of moving at what feels like the speed of light through the cosmos which gives the feeling of being in a tunnel of light – the most popular recount thus far.

Regardless of the manner, it is clear that this “tunnel” – or in many cases, the lack thereof – signifies a transport or a transformation from one dimension or plane of consciousness to another. Our 

“arrival” in this alternate dimension (which most experiencers call “Home”) is many times described as a “Rebirth”. Some have even described the journey to be like traveling through the umbilical cord or through the birth canal. It is often compared to being birthed into another world, more real than this one, with loved ones waiting there to great you with incredible love and overwhelming excitement for your arrival!

It’s important to acknowledge that, according to thousands of NDE’ers, Mediums, and other Channelers, the physics of this world (3rd dimensional consciousness construct) is extremely different than the physics of the spirit world (arguably a 5th dimensional construct). Contrary to the popularized belief that we leave “heaven” as a soul and enter a body on the Earth, we actually always exist in spirit form, often referred to as the Higher Self. Our Higher Self remains in the higher dimensions as an extension of Source Creator and reaches down through the dimensions of consciousness through fractals of itself (see video for a visual aid of this concept). According to my research, this concept plays a large role in the Near-Death Experience.

For this reason, when we hear experiencers mention the term “loved ones” when they recount the arrive greeting, they are not simply referring to our earthly definition, friends and family that have passed away. They are referring to the energies of those in addition to the energy of other entities within their Soul Group. This can consist of guides, teachers, angels, ascended masters, and other souls that they have incarnated with throughout all of their other lives. They may even connect with the higher self-aspect of those still incarnated (although this is incredibly rare for NDE’ers and more common for the deceased). 

Depending on the manner in which an individual has exited and/or the amount of distress one carries within their energy field, a time for healing may be observed. Many times this is described as a void, a place to heal and rejuvinate their energy before moving on to other aspects of the experience. Other times, and more commonly, experiencers have met with their guides and other entities whose job it is to perform healing “ceremonies” on the experiencer. In one example, an experiencer I had interviewed was laid on a table, surrounded by 12 “healers” who infused healing love energy into the energy body. This healing serves to remind the experiencer of who they REALLY are infintely which allows them to open up to the amazing reality laid before them.

Another common aspect of many Near-Death Experiences is the profound and awe-inspiring travel through the cosmos. Several NDE’ers tell of a guide, or presence they know to be that of God, brings them through the universe. As they travel, often times stopping to look back at the Earth (which can be seen as a collective energy of emotions, actions, and intentions rather than a spinning sphere) and energetically discuss how important every single one of us is to the universe, to the all that is. And that without one person it would not work. WE create all of it, we ARE all of it and we are LOVED in ways that, as a human in the third dimension, we could never understand.

Often times experiencers learn more about their role in this particular life, why they have had the challenges that have preceded their Near-Death Experience. They may even have an opportunity for a Life Review where they are able to, in most cases, relive every moment of their life with a twist. Due to the physics mentioned earlier in the higher dimensions, they are also able to feel and experience the impact they had on each person they have come in contact with. Furthermore, they are able to see how we are all connected as they energetically experience how their impact spread from one person to the next like ripples in a pond.

One Near-Death Experiencer remembers being back with her soul family, Beings of Light, and having her Life Review. She recalls members of the group being so excited to learn about her experiences that they literally were jumping in to her life review so that they could experience her life events first hand! Once she saw this was possible, an aspect of herself began to jump in to their life experiences and live their lives as well! I don’t mean to say she watched memories of them, that is not how the Life Review is described… she literally lived their lives. 

Although this individual describes her Life Review as being displayed on a 360 degree panoramic screen. Others describe sitting in a chair or looking into a book or simply closing their “eyes” and being transported back to their childhood. One experiencer tells about being five years old and back with her grandmother who had long been deceased. She recalls that they were baking cookies and it was so real she could smell the cookies baking and feel the chair beneath her!

Without a doubt, every single person who has had a Near-Death Experience always says the same thing. “It is more real than here!” “What does that mean?” I answer, “I don’t know anything realer than this, I don’t know anything else.” After years of research, conversations, and interviews I think I finally understand the meaning of this aspect of, not only the NDE but, the higher realms. 

When our Higher Self projects its consciousness into a third dimensional construct it’s the perception of that aspect of its consciousness that interacts with the third dimensional vehicle, the human (in this case) body, more specifically, the human

 brain. Cosmologist and Theoretical Physicist, the late Steven Hawking, often compared the human brain to a computer. In a famous quote Hawking states, “I have a theory about the human mind. A brain is a lot like a computer. It will only take so many facts, and then it will go on overload and blow up.”

Using this analogy and the science that shows us that the human eye can only see 0.05% of visible light (learn more about the visible light spectrum here) we can only imagine what our computer, our brain, cannot decode and, therefore, is not sensing. With everything that your brain is capable of seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching, it is still limited by the capacity of its third dimensional processor. We are missing 99.95% of everything that is possible to experience. Hawking was right, if we were to sense any more of it our minds would surely short circuit!

But! When our consciousness retracts from the physical body and the limitations of the third dimensional information decoder, the brain, we are no longer limited in our experience! Without all of the boundaries and parameters we are able to see sounds, taste colors and feel thoughts without being taught because it is who we already always are! So, think of a place and you are there! Desire an experience and instantly experience it! Intend to return and find yourself whisked away and back in your third dimensional vehicle within a nano second!

In closing I wan to let all of you know that there is no disagreement about the take away between each and every Near-Death Experiencer. They all come back with the same message to live by and to share. That is that LOVE is the answer. We all have gotten on our knees at one point or another in this life, looked up to the sky and in some form or fashion asked, “Why?!” We’ve begged for help and felt alone and without answers. Not only do they want us to know that, although we do not see them, they are always here but, most importantly that, “LOVE IS THE ANSWER, IN ALL WAYS, AND ALWAYS!”