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Soul Therapy

Kristen Riehle, C.Ht. Soul Therapy TCT
As far back as I can remember I have always felt different, out of place, alone in a crowded room. Although incredibly charismatic and easily adaptable to my social surroundings, inside I felt separate, disconnected and well, like I didn’t belong.
I had to be around 8 years old when I vividly remember that my dreams were changing. When people died, they would come to me and have conversations with me telling me where they were going and that everything would be ok… in such vivid detail it was difficult to not understand that it wasn’t real.
Even more strange was the places I would go in my dreams, places that had no basis in 3D physics or reality. The plants could breathe and had an inner light that sparkled. They could fly and so could I, effortlessly. This place knew me and I knew who I was in it. It was like home! I was spontaneously astral projecting and seeing people in my room mostly just observing me. The older and older I got, the more and more I was having these strange experiences that I didn’t understand and so dismissed.
So I’ve always had this mystical kind of thing going on and been extremely sensitive… what I thought was depression/anxiety, what I thought was just me being overemotional. I thought there was something wrong with me and, eventually perpetual Dark Nights of the Soul led me to the brink of suicide. It was in the choice to fight that my life changed. I chose not to be a victim anymore and to empower myself to live the life of my dreams. And it was my dream to help others.
So I pushed myself through the pain. I was so alone, I had no one to hold my hand, no one who understood me. There was no one there to be the light in the darkness, to guide me or show me the way out. I felt aweful. I felt like I was in a black hole and that it was going to last forever! I had to claw my way out of the dark pit of dispair I found myself in. Every momemnt became a choice to push harder, to fight for my life.
It took for me to be incredibly fed up and sick of this feeling that I began looking for a new perspective. I began looking in books, started meditating and understanding different perspectives. I researched online and started learning about different religions, then looking for the essence of God.
Soon, my abilities started to open up even more. Specifically Channeling and Clairvoyance, manifesting very quickly, the ability to read energy, and to understand and connect with those who desire connection. In a very short time (respectively), and with the help of my guides and angels, I was soon able to handle episodes of sadness and loneliness, disconnect with a more accepting and loving understanding that it will pass.
I am human, I am spirit, I am a lightworker. My job is to hold that space for others and allow my light to shine so bright that YOU can see me in the darkness. And, if it’s so so so dark that you can’t, then I WILL go in there and I WILL pull you out. But then it’s your job to stay out and I can teach you how to do that. I can teach you how to love yourself, how to raise your vibration, I can teach you how to be the lightworker that you came here to be, I can teach you how to help others. That is my mission: to come an get you, to show you the way, to guide you out, and to give you the tools you need to stay out.
And what will happen once you’ve done that is you will feel so compelled to help other people through that journey. I want us to heal the world together, one by one. I help you, you help the next person, they help the next person and together we heal this planet and that is what the Collective Transformation is about!
Namaste Lovies!