Frequently Asked Questions
Curious about hypnotherapy but unsure about what exactly it is? Heard the term "QHHT" but don't know what it's like? Maybe you'd like to learn more about what to expect from a Tarot Reading before you decide to have one done. Here on the FAQ Page you'll find the answers to our most frequently asked questions along with some interesting facts too. If you don't see your question be sure to contact us to learn more!



There are countless forms of meditation depending on your purpose for meditating, your personal beliefs, and your level of experience. One person may best acheive the connection when participating in their favorite hobby, like cooking. While others need to sit in a lotus position and focus on their breath. Yet someone who has been practicing for many years can simply close their eyes, focus on their spiritual center and connect instantaneously with their higher concsciousness. Some people can even acheive an out of body experience at will from advanced meditative practices.
It is not necessary to over complicate the meditation process. What’s more important is to just get started. It’d be best for you to wear something comfortable, use the bathroom, and find a quite spot before starting your meditation. But don’t let any of this stop you. If you are in the mood to meditate or it is your scheduled time and you are wearing a suit or sitting in a busy park, as long as you feel safe and are able to relax, go for it!
Since meditation is such a personal experience, there is no right or wrong amount of time to engage in your practice. A great way to get started and ease yourself into a consistent practice would be to start with a frame of time that is doable for you. For example, it may be easy for you to sit in silence, practicing clearing your mind, for only 3 minutes… so start there. What you’ll notice is that will quickly increase to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and so on over time. Seasoned meditators typically meditate for an hour or two every day. There are some who do less and some who do much more. It all just depends on your reason, comfort level, lifestyle, and other factors.
As a Meditation Coach and someone who regularly practices meditation, I can say with great confidence that some people actually acheive more by meditating in groups. Having said that, meditation is a very personal experience that will lead you to a profound connection with your spirit and other dimensions. Many experience incredible surges of emotion of which they have never experienced in life before. It is important that whichever you choose for yourself, you feel safe, secure, and comfortable.
In the 1960’s Johnny Cannon, a Naval Hypnotherapist, and his wife Dolores began to perform past life regressions on their clients. Over the years Dolores began to notice the the statments made by the clients in hypnosis were verifiable and seemed to be coming from a much more expanded perspective of consciousness. She labeled this the Subconscious as it was a part of the mind that undoubtably exists, laying just below the level of the conscious mind, observing. When communicated with, there is no question it can’t answer about your current life, or past lives. After developing and refining her technique over many years, Dolores established her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠. This technique enables direct contact and communication with the Subconscious of any individual for answers to any questions and can also provide the basis for instant healing.
Just like hypnotherapy, everyone’s experience is a unique one. Generally, though, you will feel a deep sense of relaxation, the question of whether or not you are imagining the whole thing will come up. You may sense the curiosity as you examine the images you are seeing and maybe even an emotional reaction depending on the level of connection you allow. Some people experience a profound sense of healing, knowing, and of blissful love as they witness their death and the after life experience.
It is very common while using any kind of visualization technique, such as Guided Imagery or QHHT, to feel as if you are making the whole thing up in your head. It is important, though, to recognize that you are accessing the subconscious mind. The images you are seeing are being brought to your conscious attention from your personal subconscious, no one else’s, they belong to you. There is a reason for everything you are imagining.
Some people find it hard to access past life memories during their QHHT Session. We find that these are people that have trouble letting go of what Dolores called the Ego Mind, the left brain aspect of your mind that is always weighing and judging incoming information. It is important that, during your QHHT Session, you give yourself permission to relax and allow yourself to imagine. Imagination is an integral part of both hypnosis and the QHHT experience. When you relax, allow, and let go of judgement and rules wonderful things can take place!
It is common to encounter traumatic past life experiences during QHHT. Your practitioner should be trained and prepared to disconnect your conscious mind from the experience so that you are participating as an observer rather than from a 1st person perspective. Since you will be in hypnosis, suggestions may be given to bring you to a more calm and relaxed state where you can gently witness the events unfold without an emotional attachment.
Some of the first recorded information comes from over 5000 years ago from the time of Egypt’s Old Kingdom. The temple of Imhotep in the ancient city of Saqqara was an important healing center in the late 3rd century BCE. Notable among its practices was a tradition called Temple Sleep. Ailing individuals would journey to the temple in search of a cure from the gods. After long rituals the person was lead to a dark chamber where they would sleep to dream of a cure. This practice eventually moved to Greece where special sleep temples were built in dedication to the god of healing, Asclepius. Then, in the mid 18th Century, Dr. Franz Mesmer, an Austrian doctor who’s unique medical practices developed Mesmerism, which laid the foundations for the later development of Hypnosis once the early mesmerists began proposing new theories and finding new applications for it. It was finally during the mid 19th centurty that the practice began to gain more legitimacy among doctors and scientists.
Everyone’s experience of hypnosis is different. Some say they don’t feel different at all, others report a feeling of floating or a tingling sensation. In rare cases, in a deep somnambulistic state, your consciousness can drift off offering the same feeling experienced as you begin to fall asleep. How deep you are in hypnosis is not determined by any of theses things. One can be deep in trance and feel wide awake while another can be simply relaxing and feel tranced. In all cases, though, being hypnotized holds the feeling of deep relaxation and a distortion of time.
No matter how little or how deep in trace you are you will never say or do anything you would not say or do any other time. In hypnosis you are always awake and consciously participating in the moment. It is simply a very relaxed state with which your therapist will help you to become hyperfocused on your relaxation. You will only say or do the things that you wish to say or do.
You can not ever become stuck in hypnosis. As mentioned earlier, hypnosis is simply focused attention and deep relaxation that is experienced at least twice a day everyday. The difference between being engrossed in a movie or in deep thought on your way home from work and having a therapist induce the focused, relaxed state is that one you are aware is happening and the other you are not.
I am not a doctor and am not licensed to treat any diagnosed mental or physical conditions. I have a network of healthcare professionals that I can refer you to. We will work together as a team to make sure that you get the best care possible to heal your condition. If you do not have a diagnosed mental or physical condition but I feel, after working with you, that you would best be treated by a healthcare professional, I will provide you with a referral for you to get a consultation with someone in my network. With their clearance I will be able to resume working with you towards your goals.
Hypnotherapy is a participatory process. I can not wave a magic want and make all your concerns disapear. During your consultation, we will determine the top three things you want to work on, look at your budget and determine a game plan. Although very rare, some issues can be resolved in one session. Most commonly, we see results after 3 sessions with the best, longest lasting results after 6 sessions. All successful clients incorporate their therapy with work done after and in between session to help reinforce the therapy.