
Your soul is constantly speaking to you. You can hear it, but often doubt the messages coming through from spirit, passing them off as your own doubts and fears or coincidences manifesting through worry or thoughts that you often dismiss.

But, you are here. Which means there is a message you are receiving that you can’t quite put your finger on. You know it’s more than just a fleeting coincidence and want to get clear cut, straight answers directly from spirit.

Your Soul’s Tarot provides the answers your are seeking from your soul by way of your ancestors, guides, and higher self using the divination tool of Tarot channeled through the medium, your reader. As an intuitive empath and medium, I have been channeling messages for my clients for over 10 years. I am now offering readings using Tarot to the public to help answer the questions that you have for your soul. 

Click On One of the Links Below to Schedule Your Tarot Reading

* Prerecorded readings may go over or under by a few minutes. Exact timing is not guaranteed. The time mentioned is the best estimate.